Speaker of This House

Posts Tagged ‘The Daily Show’

Sarah Palin, Please not AGAIN! AMERICAN HISTORY 101?

In American Hero, Anita Dunn, Blah, Blah, Blah..., Chris Wallace, CNN NEWS, Conservatives, Czar Michelle Malkin, EUGENE ROBINSON, Fox News, Gay and Lesbian Community, Huffington Post, Michael Moore, Michael Steele, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Malkin is an immigrant, MSNBC NEWS, Politico.com, RUSH LIMBAUGH, Sean Hannity, Teabaggers, The Advocate, Washington Post on June 6, 2011 at 10:06 pm

Sarah Palin, please tell me why? I mean really…Why? You resigned as governor of Alaska and you mean to tell me you have not taken classes/private tutoring for American History, Political Science or gotten yourself a LIBRARY CARD! You cannot dodge the fact that you did not have a clue to the Paul Revere question. What an embrassment to FOX NEWS! Oh sorry, FOX NEWS has absolutely no morals, so you definately get a pass from that network.

Mrs. Palin, your 15 minutes have almost ended and you are only holding on by your ignorance. Please read a book after all you are not just an extremist, hateful person, you are a woman and you are making women from all walks of life look stupid. Your wardrobe, glasses, shoes, and hairdo is a NON-FACTOR at this point. The “yahoo” there’s Sarah Palin has ended and all you have left is your intellect. Please go buy some or SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!

Sean Hannity & Glenn Beck are “so yesterday”! lol

In Fox News, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin is an immigrant, Racism, RUSH LIMBAUGH, Sean Hannity on September 7, 2010 at 9:14 pm

PLEASE!!! Somebody tell Sean hannity and Glenn Beck they are boring, boring. I have laughed at Glenn Beck a million times, you know with his chalk bioard and crying. Oh yeah, and the re-created posters. haha! I am bored with his rants and raves. Well, sometimes he does try to hide his racism and just saying that makes me laugh!

Hey, but we have the boring Sean Hannity….Boorring! he rants and raves all through his show. However, he absolutley never, and I mean never has a solution to all these problems the world has since they elected a black President! His guest and advisor is none other than ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT MICHELLE MALKIN!! Which makes the show even more boring and pass the point of a fair and balance show. Please! don’t get me started about the “kool-aid drinking Michelle  Malkin.  Does anybody remember her mother came to  this country pregnant? Which was planned in order to rob America for a citizenship! However, S & M (sounds like a very old M&M!lol) makes sweet music on his show! You know the “Asian Dike and closet Queen”!lol. Biy, oh boy I am on a role here!

In a nutshell,  these clowns are boring and old!!! FOX NEWS, please get some new stories and HOST!

Hey Sara Palin “call me”! I want to know how to put a fence up!

In Blah, Blah, Blah... on June 10, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Well, Well! First, SaraKuKu went Rogue, then a psycho celebrity, social networker, campaign entertainer, sore loser, legalized teen pregnancy, character in a book, built a fence and now she wants the president to call her. Yep, SaraKuKu said the president should call her. Does she want to talk about teen pregnancy? Or maybe that her daughter’s making money off of  decent teenage girls” that aspire to be something other than a teenage mom. Yep, I think that is why she wants the president to call her! She actually believes she can run this country,when people come to her rallies to see what she is wearing!lol to funni:)) Stick to the “Tea Party” the President of the United States is out of your league, so is the First Lady. ditto

Blah, blah, blah to her facebook page. She sounds like a high school girl out for revenge. She vents, and vents. Sarahkuku, facebook is for social networking, not “cyber bullying”, something you have become accustomed too!

Rush Limbaugh loves the boyz too!Elton John performs at his “not so striaght”wedding! ditto

In Gay and Lesbian Community, The Advocate on June 6, 2010 at 4:19 pm

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most famous homophobic, conservatives to date, and his guest list of self- proclaimed anti-gay Americans  with Values were entertained  by one of the worlds most talented, openly gay entertainers. Sir Elton John is also married to his lifetime partner.

Rush went to extreme measures to keep the wedding quiet in his effort to avoid this issue. He also would have loved to keep Sir Elton John’s performance a secret. Sorry, Rush the world knows now that you actually do love the boyz! ditto

Convicted murderer “Nathaniel Brazill” subscribes to Rush Limbaugh’s Newsletter from prison?

In Blah, Blah, Blah..., murderer on May 24, 2010 at 6:13 pm

Convicted murderer Nathaniel Braille says he is a fan of Rush Limbaugh….are you kidding me? Nathaniel Brazill was convicted of killing Middle School teacher Bill Grunow 10 years ago. The accused murderer was angry and left school to retrieve a gun, later returning and killing the teacher. The senseless murder was caught on a surveillance tape at the school. The victim left a wife and young children behind.

During his interview he stated he subscribed to Rush Limbaugh’s Newsletter. You have to wonder has he really changed? Rush preaches a lot of hate and that is something this murderer does not need instilled in him any further. He showed enough of hate and anger 10 years ago. He also stated he doesn’t care for President Obama or the new government. To each’s own. The fact that he is reading one of the most “angry, hateful, conservatives newsletter” is SHOCKING for a man that states he has changed and has something to offer the world. It makes you wonder if society is in even more danger of this man than when he committed such an heinous and senseless crime.

In the interview he is pictured with the slain teachers picture on the wall behind him. Obviously, a staged photo. Recently, his appeal for a new trail was denied and now he has appealed to the Florida Clemency Board to reduce his sentence. I sure hope the Florida Clemency Board does its job. ditto

To read the interview in the Palm Beach Post go to: www.palmbeachpost.com

A Lesbian Supreme Court Justice!!! We salute you, President Obama!

In Uncategorized on May 11, 2010 at 3:11 am

Wow! Hannity & his new teammate Michelle Malkin is going craaaazzzzyyy! President Obama has just nominated a Lesbian for the Supreme Court! I am in AWE and I SALUTE PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!!

Elena Kagan is a scholar, intellectual and she is a lesbian woman. I say, “be gone to the naysayers”. She should come out when she is good and ready. So what if she has a girlfriend, she also has a brain and a damn smart one at that. Talk about diversity…..president Obama, you got my vote.

“ditto  to you Rusth Limbaugh”

McCain: Partisan or Maverick? I say…Clown!

In Uncategorized on April 20, 2010 at 2:01 pm

Senator John McCain says he is “a partisan”. Wow, first he denies he is the all-american maverick and doesn’t want anything to do with the title. Guess, it don’t work for him anymore.

McCain is “ole school Republican” set in his ole ways of doing business in Washington. Which, includes a whites only world. Please quote me on that! He cannot run from his past without changing his heart, mind and soul towards the less fortunate, minorities and those that happen to disagree with him.  For God’s Sake, It’s 2010! It is time for a change, Senator McCain. I strongly suggest you read the open letter written to the Republicans by Mr. Russell King. God knows you need too!

Fox & Friends News goes after Karl Rove….Code Pink, we love you!

In Fox News on April 19, 2010 at 2:43 pm

Fox & Friends slams Karl Rove, our famous war criminal and fugitive from justice. Now, where was his boyz -n-friend Sean Hannity? Here are some excerpts from the interview. The war criminal was clearly upset with Fox & Friends and CODE PINK!

Fox News contributor Karl Rove directed some unfriendly fire at the hosts of \”Fox and Friends\” this weekend when the show\’s anchors decided to ask Rove to respond to protesters who disrupted the former top Bush adviser\’s book tour. \”This is sad, you people are recycling stuff that happened three to four weeks ago, this is a small blemish on what was a great trip,\” Rove said when asked about members of the group Code Pink who showed up at a March 30 book signing in Beverly Hills, Calif., called Rove a \”war criminal\” and brandished handcuffs. \”It was a blemish,\” he insisted, adding that there were no such incidents at other stops on his book tour. \”Please don\’t paint this as much a sign of anything,\” he continued. \”These are sort of sad and pathetic people … Can you imagine being some kind of nut wandering around with handcuffs? Let\’s not give them any more attention.\” The Code Pink protesters have proven to be a thorn in Rove\’s side at several stops on the tour to promote his book \”Courage and Consequence.\” The same Code Pink protester who disrupted the Beverly Hills signing also showed up at a recent Rove event in Las Vegas. Code Pink activists are also planning to be a presence at an April 22 book signing with rove In Minneapolis. 



In "Obamacares", Conservatives on April 5, 2010 at 9:56 pm


Dear Conservative Americans,

The years have not been kind to you. I grew up in a profoundly Republican home, so I can remember when you wore a very different face than the one we see now.  You’ve lost me and you’ve lost most of America.  Because I believe having responsible choices is important to democracy, I’d like to give you some advice and an invitation.

Your party — the GOP — and the conservative end of the American political spectrum have become irresponsible and irrational.  Worse, it’s tolerating, promoting and celebrating prejudice and hatred.  Let me provide some examples — by no means an exhaustive list — of where the Right as gotten itself stuck in a swamp of hypocrisy, hyperbole, historical inaccuracy and hatred.

If you’re going to regain your stature as a party of rational, responsible people, you’ll have to start by draining this swamp:

Hypocrisy………..Must read www.talkingpintsmemo.com   

Hyperbole…….Must readwww.talkingpintsmemo.com

History…..Must readwww.talkingpintsmemo.com

Hatred…..Must readwww.talkingpintsmemo.com

Written by Russell King

New York Times report: With No Jobs, Plenty of Time for Tea Party

In Teabaggers on March 28, 2010 at 5:51 pm

The New York Times reported  that most or all “active Tea Party organizers/members/leaders are recieving government assistance such as Social Security & Medicare”. The article stated “Many Tea Party supporters argue for smaller government even as they argue it should do more” under a picture of the flopped rally this wekend in Search Light, Nevada.

Is the Tea Party movement “baking their cake and eating it too”?

Absolutely, I am speculating the majority of them are recieving government assistance that goes further than just Social Security & Medicare. This story written by the New York Times gives strength to the hidden agenda of “race related” among other things this movement is REALLY UPSET ABOUT! They constantly criticize every move the Obama administration makes and then secretly reap the benefits of government help or “big government so to speak.” I predict they are upset  by the fact that now they must share government assistance with Americans whom they feel are not the right race to be in the same category as them.  One must keep in mind the fact that there are many different and diverse groups recieving government assistance. Once the economy dropped a certain class of people were affected in a manner they assumed were beneath them. The reality of it was they were not the superior group after all and this upset them beyond words.

Middle-Upper Class whites recieving government assistance and the audacity of any minorities recieving the same benefits angers them. It is scary and on many levels a secret among these  Tea Party Extremist.

You have your middle-high class whites on unemployment and/or recieving food stamps, mortgage assistance etc. When in the past this type of help from the government was for minorities only in their feeble minds. Now, they have set out to try and hold onto a bit of  “i am better than you attitude” by becoming a “Tea Party Activist” while still depending on government assistance. You have Tea Party Organizer/Activist Mr. Tom Grimes, “who receives Social Security, organized a local group”. Diana Reimer, 67,  a star player for Freedom Matters/Tea Party is also recieving government assistance. Their argument is they earned that money, kinda a double-edged sword without the patriot sign. They assume they are the only Americans deserving of these “government benefits”.  Well, history has proven them wrong in many ways. The Huffington Post reports “Many Tea Party Activist, out of work, turn to government”. Yep, the racist signs and language are real and the activist are racially motivated.


dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free


Mild-mannered, my ass.


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