Speaker of This House

Archive for the ‘Anita Dunn’ Category

Why is Andrew Breitbart RELEVANT? “LAME MEDIA” ushers him to the podium.

In American Hero, Anita Dunn, Blah, Blah, Blah..., Chris Wallace, CNN NEWS, Conservatives, Fox News, Gay and Lesbian Community, Glenn Beck, Huffington Post, Michael Moore, Michael Steele, Michelle Malkin, MSNBC NEWS, Politico.com, RUSH LIMBAUGH, Sean Hannity, Teabaggers, The Advocate, Washington Post on June 6, 2011 at 10:32 pm

Well, Sarah Palin has one thing right! The media can be “LAME”.  I mean this was a room full of respectable media/news outlets. Some of  them had the audacity to invite Andrew Breitbart to the podium opposed to waiting and listening to a  United States Congressman. I mean really…is Andrew Breitbart RELEVANT when a congresman is scheduled to speak? Not in my world, not in my world!!!!!

Now, everyone knows why Sarah Palin nicknamed them “LAME MEDIA”.  (Score Sarah Palin 1 – Lame Media 0)

Sarah Palin, Please not AGAIN! AMERICAN HISTORY 101?

In American Hero, Anita Dunn, Blah, Blah, Blah..., Chris Wallace, CNN NEWS, Conservatives, Czar Michelle Malkin, EUGENE ROBINSON, Fox News, Gay and Lesbian Community, Huffington Post, Michael Moore, Michael Steele, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Malkin is an immigrant, MSNBC NEWS, Politico.com, RUSH LIMBAUGH, Sean Hannity, Teabaggers, The Advocate, Washington Post on June 6, 2011 at 10:06 pm

Sarah Palin, please tell me why? I mean really…Why? You resigned as governor of Alaska and you mean to tell me you have not taken classes/private tutoring for American History, Political Science or gotten yourself a LIBRARY CARD! You cannot dodge the fact that you did not have a clue to the Paul Revere question. What an embrassment to FOX NEWS! Oh sorry, FOX NEWS has absolutely no morals, so you definately get a pass from that network.

Mrs. Palin, your 15 minutes have almost ended and you are only holding on by your ignorance. Please read a book after all you are not just an extremist, hateful person, you are a woman and you are making women from all walks of life look stupid. Your wardrobe, glasses, shoes, and hairdo is a NON-FACTOR at this point. The “yahoo” there’s Sarah Palin has ended and all you have left is your intellect. Please go buy some or SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!

“Coulture of Corruptocraft flack and Fox News Cheerleader” Michelle Malkin has diarrhea of the mouth! AGAIN

In Anita Dunn, Blah, Blah, Blah..., Fox News, Michelle Malkin on October 16, 2009 at 11:03 am
Fox News will you hire me back, pleeeeze!

Fox News will you hire me back, pleeeeze!

Fox News Cheerleader “Media Thug Michelle Malkin” is once again experiencing “do-do mouth syndrome” as she constantly bashes AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Malkoo koo” continues to write about Americans and the American Government   in the worst possible light.  However, she has not once mentioned her homeland of the Philippines and the devastation the region has experienced in the last few weeks. It is absurd! The story of the Philippines flooding was constantly mentioned on MSNBC and various other news outlets. The horror is the fact that “Malkoo koo” has not used her forum to gain attention to the crisis. Milkoo koo constantly forgets she was created in the Philippines. Her parents used “Immigration Thuggery” to gain access to the United States in 1970.

Does the Coulture of Corruptocraft  author have an agenda for being Anti-American?Absolutely!

Malkoo koo appears to be extremely upset with the fact that her citizenship is questioned and she is seen as an Philipano before she is seen as an “Asian-American”. This absolutely infuriates her and the “brown skin with squainted eyes” don’t help either.  She honestly thinks she is a “middle-class white lady” living in the suburbs of Colorado.

Malkoo koo hides behind name-calling of very influential, and well-educated American women.

Malkoo koo constantly degrades women of any color if they do not agree with her racist, radical views. The degrading of American women is deplorable. Malkoo koo comes off as not only a racist, media thug but as a “jealous school girl from the wrong side of the tracks”. Currently, she is attacking White House Director of Communications  Anita Dunn with various name-calling.Why? Because Malkoo koo cannot compete with the Anita Dunn’s of today’s society. Malkoo is not even in the running.

roses UPDATE: More roses for Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director!

Fox News goes on the defense….White House slams them on their “right-wing reporting”

In Anita Dunn on October 13, 2009 at 8:52 am

fox newsFox News first response to White House Communication Director, Anita Dunn was “Don’t kill the messenger” after she went on CNN and called them out for their harsh criticism of the President, and Right-Wing reporting. Not sooo fast!. Right Wing pundits Glenn Beck & Bill O’reilly showed much more resentment over the White House calling them out! They had their usual “diarrhea of the mouth” with their response. Both were clearly upset.

Fox News cannot take what they dish out daily “harsh criticism” and “racial divide”. Who cares if Fox News receives higher ratings from the public feud with the White House? Anyone? Nope, there are millions of Americans that are happy the White House called them out. Fox News tactics are getting very old and Glenn Beck should have been fired when he made those racist comments against the President. But, hey Fox News stands for ForOnlyXtremeracism!




Roses for  Ms. Anita Dunn, White House Communication Director. Thank you for being honest, and courageous!

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free


Mild-mannered, my ass.


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