Speaker of This House

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Steele’

McCain: Partisan or Maverick? I say…Clown!

In Uncategorized on April 20, 2010 at 2:01 pm

Senator John McCain says he is “a partisan”. Wow, first he denies he is the all-american maverick and doesn’t want anything to do with the title. Guess, it don’t work for him anymore.

McCain is “ole school Republican” set in his ole ways of doing business in Washington. Which, includes a whites only world. Please quote me on that! He cannot run from his past without changing his heart, mind and soul towards the less fortunate, minorities and those that happen to disagree with him.  For God’s Sake, It’s 2010! It is time for a change, Senator McCain. I strongly suggest you read the open letter written to the Republicans by Mr. Russell King. God knows you need too!

Fox News Sean Hannity Spreads Dangerous Misinformation about California

In "Obamacares" on March 31, 2010 at 9:33 pm

Sean Hannity is using his “TV Thuggery” to promote hate again! This time in the great state of CALIFORNIA!!!! CALIFORNIANS remember hsi misinformation on the water issue and the fact that he just released a very lame book. He’s living like a king off of Conservative Americans, but does absolutely nothing to help conservatives or their values. Let’s say ” some help with mortgages, etc” . Start some type of organization that can help the American people. You know bonehead, conservative Americans are losing their homes and jobs. All your talking, bashing and racist rants is not paying the mortgage. oops, sorry it is paying YOUR MORTGAGE!

F=for O=only X=xtreme-racism^^^^^^FOX NEWS……..PATHETIC^^^^GO HOME AND LEAVE CALIFORNIA ALONE!!

Michael Steele is a “PIMP”! Limousines, Private Jets, Strip Clubs….

In Uncategorized on March 31, 2010 at 12:52 pm

Who would have known RNC Chairman Micheal Steele was a PIMP? He has been pimping the RNC every since he became the chairman. The Republicans vote “No” on everything the government try to do for the American people. The economy is struggling and he is  riding in private jets, Americans  are losing their homes and cars and Micheal Steele  riding in limousines, Americans are hungry, unemployed and Micheal Steele  is going to strip clubs.

The GOP are shameless and selfish. Michael Steele is a clown.

New York Times report: With No Jobs, Plenty of Time for Tea Party

In Teabaggers on March 28, 2010 at 5:51 pm

The New York Times reported  that most or all “active Tea Party organizers/members/leaders are recieving government assistance such as Social Security & Medicare”. The article stated “Many Tea Party supporters argue for smaller government even as they argue it should do more” under a picture of the flopped rally this wekend in Search Light, Nevada.

Is the Tea Party movement “baking their cake and eating it too”?

Absolutely, I am speculating the majority of them are recieving government assistance that goes further than just Social Security & Medicare. This story written by the New York Times gives strength to the hidden agenda of “race related” among other things this movement is REALLY UPSET ABOUT! They constantly criticize every move the Obama administration makes and then secretly reap the benefits of government help or “big government so to speak.” I predict they are upset  by the fact that now they must share government assistance with Americans whom they feel are not the right race to be in the same category as them.  One must keep in mind the fact that there are many different and diverse groups recieving government assistance. Once the economy dropped a certain class of people were affected in a manner they assumed were beneath them. The reality of it was they were not the superior group after all and this upset them beyond words.

Middle-Upper Class whites recieving government assistance and the audacity of any minorities recieving the same benefits angers them. It is scary and on many levels a secret among these  Tea Party Extremist.

You have your middle-high class whites on unemployment and/or recieving food stamps, mortgage assistance etc. When in the past this type of help from the government was for minorities only in their feeble minds. Now, they have set out to try and hold onto a bit of  “i am better than you attitude” by becoming a “Tea Party Activist” while still depending on government assistance. You have Tea Party Organizer/Activist Mr. Tom Grimes, “who receives Social Security, organized a local group”. Diana Reimer, 67,  a star player for Freedom Matters/Tea Party is also recieving government assistance. Their argument is they earned that money, kinda a double-edged sword without the patriot sign. They assume they are the only Americans deserving of these “government benefits”.  Well, history has proven them wrong in many ways. The Huffington Post reports “Many Tea Party Activist, out of work, turn to government”. Yep, the racist signs and language are real and the activist are racially motivated.


Eric Cantor…..YOU LIE! Cantor tries to draw attention away from himself and the clowns of GOP. He flopped miserably!

In "Obamacares" on March 25, 2010 at 9:54 pm

My goodness the length the GOP will go to cover up their B.S. They have always been “tha good ole boyz” it is in their blood. Eric Cantor and John Boehner are clowns and cowards. He is a “political stunner” . His performance was terrible. Does anybody believe someone other than the GOP shot at his offices. This was all staged by the “Girlz Opposing Peace”. One would say the GOP spew it out, but can’t take it. I agree and his press conference was useless.

President Obama makes history today! Signs Health Care Reform into law!!

In "Obamacares" on March 23, 2010 at 2:23 pm


“The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.”  President Abraham Lincoln


In "Obamacares", Fox News, Glenn Beck on March 22, 2010 at 3:01 am

oooooh boy!!! Race hustlers, up-pit-ty socialites Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin and the entire tea party movement will be hustling up the race card this week! But, we must not forget all of these thugs have EXCEPTIONAL HEALTHCARE AND TONS OF MONEY!

R.I.P. Senator Kennedy! Change is coming and we miss you!

FOX NEWS THUGZ: Bret Baier! Shameful, classless and just ignorant! President Obama outshines him with grace, dignity, and confidence!

In Uncategorized on March 19, 2010 at 2:17 am

Fox News journalist Bret Baier was over-dramatic, ill-informed and never managed to get his point across using FOX THUGGERY! President Obama showed confidence, while “tha Brat” was acting like a spoiled child. It was really, really classless. “tha Brat’s’ only future is with Fox News. Who would hire a guy like that besides Fox News. HE ACCOMPLISHED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!


Run Michael Run!!! “Steele intercepts football”!! Where’s our Heisman Trophy pose?

In Heisman Tropy, Michael Steele on March 5, 2010 at 3:19 pm

Dear Mr. Steele or should I say Mr. Chairman, you are fully aware of the documents being used to obtain votes for the Republicans. This is a newer, deeper disgrace for the Republicans. Shame on you and shame on your excuses! You are Michellez Milk Clown of the WEEK!

 Senator John Thune (S.D.), a member of the Republican leadership, said: “There is no place for this. Obviously when you’re fundraising . . . you want to make direct and succinct points, but using these sorts of tactics is certainly not something that any of us ought to condone.”

Some Republicans considered “the document as the work of an amateur and said that Steele bears responsibility for the controversy even if he didn’t approve the use of the content.

Congratulations! Mr. Steele, you are “Clown Of The Week”

Bipartianship Health Care Summit:”Inaction and incrementalism are simply unacceptable” stated Nancy Pelosi!

In "Obamacares" on February 25, 2010 at 4:36 pm

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “thank you”!. We unemployed, uninsured, low-middle class working Americans appreciate your bold statement.

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free


Mild-mannered, my ass.


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