Speaker of This House

Archive for the ‘President Obama’ Category

I am starting to believe karl Rove’s comment: “Barack Obama is arrogant”

In Political, President Obama, Racism on September 7, 2010 at 8:40 pm

I honestly can’t get over the fact that President Obama has taken his time with helping the Democrats up for re-election. Senator Harry Reid has stood by his side from day one. Yet, the arrogant President stands by and does absolutely nothing! and I mean nothing! He has  not given any Democrat his full backing nor has he fully campaigned for them either. I know, I know some are steering clear of him. But they are still the Democrat Party!

President Obama is dilustional, if he thinks for one minute he will survive a Republican Party takeover. Nope! He doesn’t see this happening because he is arrogant.  A lot of minorities will leave his corner because of his Supreme Court Nominations. It still is only one African American sitting on the bench and there are multitudes of qualified minorities for the position. Which, he simply ignored. Has he gained votes from Latino’s and gays? Absolutely! Justice Kagan is rumored to be a lesbian and living a secret gay lifestyle. Is race a factor? ABSOLUTELY! Some say yes and some say no. He is very panicky when making choices that he thinks will start a race debate. The President shy’s away from anything to do with race. Why? Well,  one reason is he is afraid of his own issue of race and how his ethanicity has be called into play.

Back to being “ARROGANT”. Mr. President you should get off your butt and try to help the Democrats get re-elected and keep control of the house. If not, sir you have lost my vote! ditto

Karl Rove comes out with a book, instead of the closet! Like father, like son!

In President Obama on March 9, 2010 at 3:54 am

Today, Karl Rove’s book “Courage and Consequences” is the worst by far. First,   the  “john & prosititute saga” Dick Morris’s book “Rewriting History” after he helped make history ( what a joke), then Phillipano Michelle Malkin whose mother & father robbed the United States Immigration Office with pure “genius” ( coming to america pregnant) wrote “Culture of Corruption”, now Karl Rove, the fugitive felon (oh, I’m sorry, Scooter Libby took the fall for him and his goons). This is just way tooo much!

Here I am rushing to read it free in the bookstore , only to find out HE DIDN’T COME OUT OF THE CLOSET, WHAT A WASTE OF GAS AND TIME. THE  BOOK IS PURE GARBAGE!

“heehee, hello karl”, hey thur anchor-baby, silence pleeze, i can’t hear myself think! oh, my two dicks….

Blowhard Blogger Michelle Malkin: a box office smash at Bipartianship Health Care Summit

In "Obamacares", Fox News, Glenn Beck, President Obama on February 27, 2010 at 3:05 am

The Anchor-Baby’s Story: My illegal fellow Phillipino’s need citizenship & healthcare! Remember my parents, please, please, please!

This is one blowhard blogger! Words cannot express her spectacular performance covering  the health care summit with a long neck mic. lol:) I mean this blowhard blogger really blows hard. She was actually posting while covering the long neck mics. She is simply amazing!

Where does she get the time to blowhard blog and represent her fellow anchor-baby americans. Wow! Keep up the good work #1 blowhard blogger. ditto

Bipartianship Health Care Summit: McCain & Boehner gets added to the list of clowns present at the summit.

In "Obamacares", Fox News, Michelle Malkin, President Obama, Washington Post on February 26, 2010 at 1:19 am

He clearly was there for the “political theatre” with a stack of papers and not one resolution to healthcare, not one. It was just embrassing, the stack of papers were a cover up for ignorance. Senator Boehner do something, besides acting like a girly-man.

I guess the President told you Senator McCain, you made yourself look like a bitter school boy that didn’t get pick for the cheerleading team. Wow! how embarrassing!

Bipartianship Health Care Summit =GOP=Girls Opposing Peace. You do the math.

In "Obamacares", Fox News, Michelle Malkin, MSNBC NEWS, President Obama, Sean Hannity, Teabaggers on February 25, 2010 at 3:28 pm

 “We extend a hand and recieve a fist in return”. We must remember the last time President Obama met with the Republicans “they felt the President was lecturing them because he was standing and they were sitting”booo whooo, cry babies.

G.O.P. = Girls Opposing Peace

Eric Cantor: YOU LIE!!

In President Obama on February 19, 2010 at 10:08 pm

Yea, the stimulus helped create jobs in my state. Oh, I’m sorry the stimulus plan did not create jobs for my state!

“WE EXTEND A HAND, AND RECIEVE A FIST IN RETURN! Well said Mr. President, well said!

Tea Party Convention: Sarah Palin Presidential Candidate 2012? Sarah Palin is “NO” Hillary Clinton!

In CNN NEWS, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Huffington Post, Keith Olberman, Michelle Malkin, President Obama, Sean Hannity, Washington Post on February 7, 2010 at 4:32 am

Somebody, please shut her up!! The speech was horrible with a capital “H”. The Tea Party Convention really should ask her for there money back. The speech was soooo laughable. The speech had the tone of  trying very hard to be presidential. Wow! Was she so far away from the avenue. I think tonight, Sarah Palin took a wrong turn.

Please don’t let “The Tea Party Convention” start with the attendance lies. There were absolutely no heavy hitters in attendance. So, who do they call “Sarah Palin going rouge”. What a joke! I am surprise she didn’t bring her baby on stage with her. Oh, I forgot attendance was low, very low.

Sarah Palin please, please go back to school or recieve some tutoring from, let’s just say a “PROFESSOR”.

President to Democrats: “Don’t play it safe”

In American Hero, Chris Wallace, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Huffington Post, Keith Olberman, MSNBC NEWS, President Obama, Washington Post on February 3, 2010 at 9:06 pm

President Obama met with Democrats today and he did not hold back. He spoke with the same tone as he did with the Republicans. He asked the Democrats to continue to extend a hand to the Republicans in an bipartianship way. However, the President also stated they have “extended a hand and recieved a fist in response from the GOP.” Once, again “thank you” Mr. President!

“Always give your best, never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember, others may hate you. Those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.” President Richard Nixon

President Obama slams GOP: New Hampshire Townhall Meeting 101

In "Obamacares", Fox News, MSNBC NEWS, President Obama, RUSH LIMBAUGH, Washington Post on February 3, 2010 at 4:24 am

President Obama we dedicate this famous quote to you, Sir!

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” President Theodore Roosevelt

We salute you President Obama, a job well done today in New Hampshire!

The GOP finally has questions?President Obama answers them with dignity, grace, respect and leadership!

In Chris Wallace, Fox News, Huffington Post, MSNBC NEWS, President Obama, Washington Post on January 30, 2010 at 12:08 am

Today, President Obama meet withthe GOP. As I stated before, the president is sick and tired of the whining. The GOP have this “just say NO to everything” like 6th grade boys. The President has alwayes extended his hand to the GOP and of course the “good ole boys club did not accept his offer of pulling together in order to help this country. Not olny does the GOP understand, but the Democrats get it also. JOBS JOBS JOBS!

The win in Mass. does not mean a thing except both Democrats & Republicans want a job to support their family. President Obama expressed his concerns about middle class americans needing to work. He also expressed his disappointment in both parties inelibility to unite and put the country first.

I was very proud today and yesterday of both the President and the GOP. Maybe, just maybe they have decided to put America before their perspective parties. At the end of the day, that is exactly what it is all about “America” our great country.

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free


Mild-mannered, my ass.


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