Speaker of This House

Posts Tagged ‘The Ed Show’

Sean Hannity & Glenn Beck are “so yesterday”! lol

In Fox News, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin is an immigrant, Racism, RUSH LIMBAUGH, Sean Hannity on September 7, 2010 at 9:14 pm

PLEASE!!! Somebody tell Sean hannity and Glenn Beck they are boring, boring. I have laughed at Glenn Beck a million times, you know with his chalk bioard and crying. Oh yeah, and the re-created posters. haha! I am bored with his rants and raves. Well, sometimes he does try to hide his racism and just saying that makes me laugh!

Hey, but we have the boring Sean Hannity….Boorring! he rants and raves all through his show. However, he absolutley never, and I mean never has a solution to all these problems the world has since they elected a black President! His guest and advisor is none other than ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT MICHELLE MALKIN!! Which makes the show even more boring and pass the point of a fair and balance show. Please! don’t get me started about the “kool-aid drinking Michelle  Malkin.  Does anybody remember her mother came to  this country pregnant? Which was planned in order to rob America for a citizenship! However, S & M (sounds like a very old M&M!lol) makes sweet music on his show! You know the “Asian Dike and closet Queen”!lol. Biy, oh boy I am on a role here!

In a nutshell,  these clowns are boring and old!!! FOX NEWS, please get some new stories and HOST!

I am starting to believe karl Rove’s comment: “Barack Obama is arrogant”

In Political, President Obama, Racism on September 7, 2010 at 8:40 pm

I honestly can’t get over the fact that President Obama has taken his time with helping the Democrats up for re-election. Senator Harry Reid has stood by his side from day one. Yet, the arrogant President stands by and does absolutely nothing! and I mean nothing! He has  not given any Democrat his full backing nor has he fully campaigned for them either. I know, I know some are steering clear of him. But they are still the Democrat Party!

President Obama is dilustional, if he thinks for one minute he will survive a Republican Party takeover. Nope! He doesn’t see this happening because he is arrogant.  A lot of minorities will leave his corner because of his Supreme Court Nominations. It still is only one African American sitting on the bench and there are multitudes of qualified minorities for the position. Which, he simply ignored. Has he gained votes from Latino’s and gays? Absolutely! Justice Kagan is rumored to be a lesbian and living a secret gay lifestyle. Is race a factor? ABSOLUTELY! Some say yes and some say no. He is very panicky when making choices that he thinks will start a race debate. The President shy’s away from anything to do with race. Why? Well,  one reason is he is afraid of his own issue of race and how his ethanicity has be called into play.

Back to being “ARROGANT”. Mr. President you should get off your butt and try to help the Democrats get re-elected and keep control of the house. If not, sir you have lost my vote! ditto

Hey Sara Palin “call me”! I want to know how to put a fence up!

In Blah, Blah, Blah... on June 10, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Well, Well! First, SaraKuKu went Rogue, then a psycho celebrity, social networker, campaign entertainer, sore loser, legalized teen pregnancy, character in a book, built a fence and now she wants the president to call her. Yep, SaraKuKu said the president should call her. Does she want to talk about teen pregnancy? Or maybe that her daughter’s making money off of  decent teenage girls” that aspire to be something other than a teenage mom. Yep, I think that is why she wants the president to call her! She actually believes she can run this country,when people come to her rallies to see what she is wearing!lol to funni:)) Stick to the “Tea Party” the President of the United States is out of your league, so is the First Lady. ditto

Blah, blah, blah to her facebook page. She sounds like a high school girl out for revenge. She vents, and vents. Sarahkuku, facebook is for social networking, not “cyber bullying”, something you have become accustomed too!

Rush Limbaugh loves the boyz too!Elton John performs at his “not so striaght”wedding! ditto

In Gay and Lesbian Community, The Advocate on June 6, 2010 at 4:19 pm

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most famous homophobic, conservatives to date, and his guest list of self- proclaimed anti-gay Americans  with Values were entertained  by one of the worlds most talented, openly gay entertainers. Sir Elton John is also married to his lifetime partner.

Rush went to extreme measures to keep the wedding quiet in his effort to avoid this issue. He also would have loved to keep Sir Elton John’s performance a secret. Sorry, Rush the world knows now that you actually do love the boyz! ditto

Fox & Friends News goes after Karl Rove….Code Pink, we love you!

In Fox News on April 19, 2010 at 2:43 pm

Fox & Friends slams Karl Rove, our famous war criminal and fugitive from justice. Now, where was his boyz -n-friend Sean Hannity? Here are some excerpts from the interview. The war criminal was clearly upset with Fox & Friends and CODE PINK!

Fox News contributor Karl Rove directed some unfriendly fire at the hosts of \”Fox and Friends\” this weekend when the show\’s anchors decided to ask Rove to respond to protesters who disrupted the former top Bush adviser\’s book tour. \”This is sad, you people are recycling stuff that happened three to four weeks ago, this is a small blemish on what was a great trip,\” Rove said when asked about members of the group Code Pink who showed up at a March 30 book signing in Beverly Hills, Calif., called Rove a \”war criminal\” and brandished handcuffs. \”It was a blemish,\” he insisted, adding that there were no such incidents at other stops on his book tour. \”Please don\’t paint this as much a sign of anything,\” he continued. \”These are sort of sad and pathetic people … Can you imagine being some kind of nut wandering around with handcuffs? Let\’s not give them any more attention.\” The Code Pink protesters have proven to be a thorn in Rove\’s side at several stops on the tour to promote his book \”Courage and Consequence.\” The same Code Pink protester who disrupted the Beverly Hills signing also showed up at a recent Rove event in Las Vegas. Code Pink activists are also planning to be a presence at an April 22 book signing with rove In Minneapolis. 


Blowhard Blogger Michelle Malkin: a box office smash at Bipartianship Health Care Summit

In "Obamacares", Fox News, Glenn Beck, President Obama on February 27, 2010 at 3:05 am

The Anchor-Baby’s Story: My illegal fellow Phillipino’s need citizenship & healthcare! Remember my parents, please, please, please!

This is one blowhard blogger! Words cannot express her spectacular performance covering  the health care summit with a long neck mic. lol:) I mean this blowhard blogger really blows hard. She was actually posting while covering the long neck mics. She is simply amazing!

Where does she get the time to blowhard blog and represent her fellow anchor-baby americans. Wow! Keep up the good work #1 blowhard blogger. ditto

President to Democrats: “Don’t play it safe”

In American Hero, Chris Wallace, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Huffington Post, Keith Olberman, MSNBC NEWS, President Obama, Washington Post on February 3, 2010 at 9:06 pm

President Obama met with Democrats today and he did not hold back. He spoke with the same tone as he did with the Republicans. He asked the Democrats to continue to extend a hand to the Republicans in an bipartianship way. However, the President also stated they have “extended a hand and recieved a fist in response from the GOP.” Once, again “thank you” Mr. President!

“Always give your best, never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember, others may hate you. Those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.” President Richard Nixon

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free


Mild-mannered, my ass.


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