Speaker of This House

Archive for June, 2010|Monthly archive page

Hey Sara Palin “call me”! I want to know how to put a fence up!

In Blah, Blah, Blah... on June 10, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Well, Well! First, SaraKuKu went Rogue, then a psycho celebrity, social networker, campaign entertainer, sore loser, legalized teen pregnancy, character in a book, built a fence and now she wants the president to call her. Yep, SaraKuKu said the president should call her. Does she want to talk about teen pregnancy? Or maybe that her daughter’s making money off of  decent teenage girls” that aspire to be something other than a teenage mom. Yep, I think that is why she wants the president to call her! She actually believes she can run this country,when people come to her rallies to see what she is wearing!lol to funni:)) Stick to the “Tea Party” the President of the United States is out of your league, so is the First Lady. ditto

Blah, blah, blah to her facebook page. She sounds like a high school girl out for revenge. She vents, and vents. Sarahkuku, facebook is for social networking, not “cyber bullying”, something you have become accustomed too!

Rush Limbaugh loves the boyz too!Elton John performs at his “not so striaght”wedding! ditto

In Gay and Lesbian Community, The Advocate on June 6, 2010 at 4:19 pm

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most famous homophobic, conservatives to date, and his guest list of self- proclaimed anti-gay Americans  with Values were entertained  by one of the worlds most talented, openly gay entertainers. Sir Elton John is also married to his lifetime partner.

Rush went to extreme measures to keep the wedding quiet in his effort to avoid this issue. He also would have loved to keep Sir Elton John’s performance a secret. Sorry, Rush the world knows now that you actually do love the boyz! ditto

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free


Mild-mannered, my ass.


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